Six Ways to Save Money if You Like to Spend It

Blackfort Wallet & Exchange
2 min readOct 21, 2020

1. Postpone Deliveries

This method will not allow much to accumulate, but it will be a step forward. Choosing a slower delivery option instead of a fast one for daily purchases will save you a bit of money.

2. Follow the 24-Hour Rule

This method is great for those who spend money impulsively and then wonder why they did it. The idea of the rule is to give yourself 24 hours to think about a purchase about before buying something.
Do not rush to buy a new thing. Give yourself a day to think. If the idea of buying the item still seems like a good idea24 hours later, then buy it. But most likely, it will be the opposite.

3. Turn Bad Habits into Savings

This method is suitable for both saving money and improving your quality of life.

Set aside a certain amount of money each time you engage in a bad habit. For example, let’s say that you are often late for work. Set a small fine of $1, $5, or even $20, and each time you are late to work, place the amount in a designated jar. Forget the excuses. In the end, you will get rid of your bad habits and save some money.

4. Pay Yourself First

This method involves saving some of your salary before you buy anything. Save 10% of your salary every month. Better yet, record all monthly expenses so that you can calculate how much you can put away each month without sacrificing yourself.

5. Go One Month Without Spending

Although it sounds like a terrible nightmare, the method is very good for changing your buying habits. The measure is severe, but it works better than many other methods. Promise yourself that for the next 30 days, you will only buy the most necessary items.

6. Buy and Save

The principle is elementary. Save a percentage of each purchase you make. For example, if you buy a sweater for $40, save 10% of that ($4). Do this for all your purchases. This will help you control your spending.



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